
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Wort des Tages

So I don't know if you know this but eh...they speak German here in Berlin. Although, if you let a single english word slip out of your mouth, be prepared for an answer in english. Lots of native english speakers live in Berlin and never learn anything more than the basic 'Hallo, wie geht's, wie viele, ja, neee, gut' vocabulary group.
I'm fortunate enough to be living with people who will actually speak German with me - I don't understand everything they say and have had embarassing trip ups along the way - like at the weekend when I was trying to say something about the World Cup...I called it the Welt Tasse - which just means a big cup that the whole world would drink from. It's actually called the Weltmeisterschaft here.
So now I'm wondering if they have a saying to the equivalent of 'Dance your socks off' - I think I've probably gotten this all wrong - but I wrote it up on our blackboard in the house today to see if it raises any eyebrows.
This is what I'm trying to say: We should dance our socks off and make some noise at the festivities in Kreuzberg this weekend.
I've a Word of the Day, or Wort des Tages here - just to try and keep picking up bits and pieces. My use of prepositions is nonsensical at the minute I fear.

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